

Friday, April 22, 2011

There are some things within a process that are just not enjoyable. Cutting is one of them for me, perhaps because I once sliced a finger when the knife slipped the straight edge.
But once all the cards are cut and it's time to print...that's a better stage.
Stamping the backs puts a nice "polish" to the cards and that too is a better part of the process.
 And when they're all piled up and ready to go, that's a pretty good feeling too.
But all in all, it's the process, the being in the midst of it that I enjoy the most: the doing of it. 
Because when it's finished, it's finished and something new must be found. Well, there's always something new to do, but like I said, it's the doing that is the reward.

A long weekend is about to be: 
hope everyone has an enjoyable one with friends and family, 
food and drink and lots of talk and laughs.

1 comment:

  1. i guess that is why arounna doesn't let me cut the paper in her studio:)
