

Monday, October 17, 2011

  Autumn is definitely settling in here. I hope the weekend went well for everyone.
This is something very special that I wanted to show. Perhaps you can see the writing (which must have been done by the teacher). Helen Devor is my aunt, Clinton was her public school and 1936-7 was quite a while ago!


 Don't you just love the exploded patterns, use of colour and shape, let alone the beginning of fine motor skills and observation?
In the news I hear that the use of computers has virtually eliminated the need to learn how to write with pencil and paper. I don't even know where to begin about that...


  1. How delightful...what a special piece of family, craft and school history to own. Makes me want to sit down and play.
    And what a loss for kids who may never know the realms a pencil and paper will open, let alone the smell of a freshly sharpened pencil. It reminds one of what a unique time we are living in and to savour our own fleeting history.

  2. Wow...that is beautiful in so many ways. Pretty sophisticated art for a kindergarten student if I'm reading that inscription right.

    I've heard that too...that handwriting and penmanship are a thing of the past. If that includes sketching and drawing--oh dear!

  3. You are so lucky to have that. It really is a treasure.
