

Friday, November 04, 2011


I finally have the finished printing of the project I was working on the last few weeks. Laura might recognize the robin that she had photographed this past summer and gave me permission to draw.

The lighting today is just dreadful: no sun. So I'll more than likely be reshooting these. But I just wanted to show you. By next week they'll be in the shop!

In the meantime, I hope you all stay warm this weekend. 

(I only say that because our furnace bit the dust! )


  1. Barbara, your calendar looks fantastic. I love the drawing of the nest, so much great texture.

  2. So beautiful Barbara! Can't wait until they're available in the shop :)

  3. Your drawings and calendar are beautiful.

    I am so with you on the light comment! I have been trying to do photography for my new Etsy shop the past week and I've been blaming our house for being dark but I think a lot has to do with Mother Nature and the time of year! The photography time is very narrow each day. :)

  4. They're beautiful Barbara!! I love the robin drawing too. I agree with Roisin about the texture in the nest. It's incredible.I do love your pen drawings.

    The negative space around each drawing really enhances the graphic quality of these exceptional drawings.
    An iconic calendar!
