

Friday, November 18, 2011

I'd like to thank everyone who came out on a very cold day to the Howard Park Craft Show. It's always nice to meet new artisans and share their interests: Janice from Dandy Tiger and David from kynk to mention a few.
After every show there is plenty of straightening out of the studio to do.

Hope you have a great weekend and bundle up if you're north of the 49th!


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog earlier this week. I really like both the colour and the look of the fabrics you use. It all looks very touchable. Do you do shows outside of Toronto?

  2. I love the telephone wires print. I don't remember seeing that one before.

  3. Here it is -10 and very windy. The snow swirling around the house. Do you have any other craft shows coming up?

  4. Tara, I'll be in Montreal on December 10 and 11 at Puce Pop.
