

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

New and Improved I-Pad Covers

I have been revising the i-pad covers I showed last week as they were a wee bit tight. Not having an i-pad myself I could only go by the dimensions on the spec page which isn't as good as having the real thing. 

But I still love this new natural dye colour that I've been working with and now that I've combined it with some brown it has even more of that WWI era feel about it.
This image shows it a lot better. All that mottled colour is the dye but somehow it comes across as looking like vintage army surplus canvas or postal bag canvas that has seen some weather.
Come Friday I hope to have it in the shop. In the meantime, all the other ones I made seem to fit Blackberry's "Play Book" so I'll probably have them there as well.

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