

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This is actually a colour photo out my studio window
but it has been 
so bleak and grey the last few days 
and actually s n o w i n g 
(not my favourite weather, for sure).
Sutcliffe and Harrison
Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of George Harrison's death. I can't believe it's been so long.
I've been spending lots of time building stock for the Holiday Shows coming up. They seem to be happening one on top of the other starting this Saturday at Mondo Bazaar being held at the Gladstone Hotel. I hope those of you in Toronto can stop by.

I trust where ever you are
that the week is going just fine for you


  1. I wish I was in Toronto right now...I love the snow! and I would be able to go visit you at all the holiday markets :-)

  2. Hi Geninne, so nice to see you here. Yes, it would be so nice to have a visit!!
