

Friday, December 30, 2011

Good-bye 2011

Good-bye 2011
This has been a crazy year for me and, I have to say, from almost the beginning I didn't have a good feeling for it. On the other hand, there are a few people I know who have had an amazing year and I am so happy for them (they know who they are).

2011 was a year of challenges and learning new things; but then aren't most years like that? I wonder what it was like for you??

This morning I was reading a very appropriate post for this time of year. Sometimes we need to be reminded about things we might have taken for granted.

 I was commissioned to do a very large version of my whale shoulder bag. For sure it would fit any lap top with room to spare.
In January I will be posting some SET SALES in an attempt to clear out stock and make room for some new work. If there is anything you have been interested in but were afraid to ask, NOW is the time. I look forward to hearing your wish list.


  1. the year has been up and down for me to
    but in the end
    i will only dwell on the positive

  2. Like the post said I'm doing the best that I can and will try to make this next year a good one. Happy New Year!
