

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday's Treasures

There has been some time to work on a few  of the new ideas I had spoken about earlier. These are a couple of proto-types for baby bibs (which have changed since this image was taken) and I decided to use flannel; it is so so soft! 

This is the first time I've printed on flannel and I've learned that it's great to print on. Even the finest lines of the Balloon Ship came out. Well, at least those that came through in the exposure: you can see I had a bit of trouble with this one. But the porcupine printed beautifully! Even on cotton fleece (shown below) which I'll be using for more baby stuff to come.

And by the way: this is the last day for the set sale in the shop.


  1. I love the balloon ship! To get the fine lines, you can reduce your exposure time a bit - it often helps.
