

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mosaic Monday

copyright Barbara Di Lella
I hope your weekend went well.

All the drawings and photographs in this mosaic are mine. Some of them you may recognize from past posts.

1. Kinglet drawing   2.out my studio window   3.sparrow drawing
4.vintage lace  5.pinecone drawing  6.old postcard
7. wren postcard drawing   8. carved wooden vase  9 Kinglet drawing

Commitments to shows are beginning to happen and even though they are months away, they are large enough that I'm feeling the early twinges of pressure. That's a good thing, right?

There are a few more items in the shop that you can see here and here


  1. Better to have those feelings of pressure now and not later.

  2. the napkin is exquisite, Bar, it sings "spring" so loud !
    I wanted to answer one or two questions you asked me recently.
    I won't be selling naturally dyed yardage yet since I don't really dye on a regular basis. I can't also be guarantying the light & wash fastness neither. And I never dye in huge quantities, since dyeing indoors is a bit of a challenge. But I was flattered by your question ! Thank you Barb !
    And about the watermark on the photos ... I know it's not really pretty, but because of that damn P*nterest & other blogs they could be used without my permission, I was thinking it would be smart. Of course it is extra time spent, extra work, but I hope I'll feel a little more secure about where & how my photos are used.

  3. Hi Barb, the store I refer to in my last post is a teajoint/art gallery here where I live called Art we are. The food is wonderful (made from scratch right on the premises) and the selection of art and crafts is amazing.
