a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Wednesday, January 09, 2013


You might have noticed that I have a strong interest in vintage items. These sweet little tea cups are so appealing because of their simple strong colours. They were found here.

This beach pail was a bit of a surprise to see because my sister (who is an avid collector) also has it although her's in  perfect condition. But I found it at this shop.

What a darling smile this little squeak toy has! He was found over here. 

As I'm also a lover of children's books, how could I resist this little book with illustrations by Garth Williams. The shop owner also photographed it with red and white polka-dots which just adds to the colourful charm.

And this sweet little sewing machine?

It would appear that the common thread (no pun intended) running through all these selections is children.  And the secondary common factor are the colours: red and yellow

1 comment:

  1. I loved looking at all those vintage finds and their shops.Thanks for sharing!AriadnefromGreece!
