a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Friday, January 04, 2013

Moose Drawings for 2013

The beginnings of a new drawing with some of the studies on the side. The image, of course, is somewhat distorted. The more you draw, the more you learn. So a lot more drawings were done.(Because, yes, I know, the head's too small)

Not quite happy with this one either.
But bits and pieces of it
are worth holding onto.

Eventually I found myself this far. But after leaving it and coming back to it several times through the day, I decided that I needed to start another one. In some ways it's frustrating this over-and-over again process and in other ways, I know I'm getting closer each time to what I want.
Maybe I'll have it next week.

Hope your weekend
is productive
and successful


  1. Hi Barbara,
    my first time commenting your blog is beautiful
    I found your link on Nadia's blog, I really like the moose drawing on your banner. I think if it isn't broken why change it. I saw in your etys shop it's already a popular product.
    sunny greetings

  2. thank you for commenting, Laura.
    Yes, the moose in my Etsy shop is very popular. I thought it might be nice to have a "companion" for it.
