a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Memory Lane

One of my studio windows looks out over the back yard behind which is a small private lane way that services houses from three different streets. There are very few of these as most lane ways are owned by the city. As such, for many years it was unpaved, muddy at times and full of pot holes.

When delving into the neighbourhood's history, it was discovered that there was a small dairy here at one time. Some of the surrounding houses (including ours) are well over 100 years old.

A few years ago the neighbours joined together to pay for the paving of this lane way. As a result, there are quite a few kids that play back there. And one of the dads built a funny  little tree house that I love.

Last year I showed my friend, Leslie, the back lane way and the tree house with the idea that I could interest her in doing a commission.

Crow's Nest by Leslie Norgate

I love how she captures light and the essence of the subject. To me she is capturing the memory of the thing as opposed to the thing itself. So often when I see her work that is exactly what I feel I'm looking at: a memory I never had but I can recognize it because of the light.

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