a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Sometimes things just go along at a nice leisurely pace and it's very comfortable and then, without any notice, bang,bang,bang- so much happens and it's like: what was that?

The magnesium plates (that I was talking about some time agocame in and I'm right in the middle of sanding,gesso-ing, and painting panel boards.

But I have to go see them and I have to print them, I can't wait, right?
This print was done very quickly and was just a test.


These are 3 of the plates I had done. The sparrow on the bottom right is the one that was printed. 

Click on the images because the close-ups really give a better idea of what these plates can do. 


  1. they look wonderful - what a nice, crisp impression!

  2. thanks, roisin, I can hardly wait to print them.
    hope your printing goes well this weekend
