a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Friday, December 12, 2014

Who Ordered That?

Quite an unexpected dump of snow. Like really! Who ordered that?
It snowed all night, all morning. It was supposed to have stopped. But, no. All through the afternoon and night again. A mini Buffalo.
My favourite trees out the studio window

The girls and I went for a bit of a walk through it.

one of the neighbourhood dogs

The weekend supposedly will warm up some and melt all this away. 

Clearly I'm not a snow lover. 
It looks nice. 
But all I can think of 
is the shoveling.  
Mind you, 
the girls love it 
and even Roxy
 (who usually drags her feet)
 was running back and forth 
with total abandon. 
How sweet!
Have a wonderful weekend