a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wolf Drawing Part 3

copyright Barbara Di Lella 2013 wolf drawing
As you can see, I'm still working on the wolf drawing from the previous post. But somewhere along the way, I decided that aspects of it were still not quite right.

copyright Barbara Di Lella 2013 wolf drawing
I raised the head and that made it clear that it was too far forward.

copyright Barbara Di Lella 2013 wolf drawing
 This photo was taken on an angle so it does appear to be off especially one of the lines of the neck. The left front leg is also being re-worked. But I think I'm closer to what I'm trying to accomplish.


  1. Your wolf looks great and am enjoying watching the steps as you get closer to the perfect drawing even though to my untrained eye they all look frame worthy.

  2. Looking good, I love to see wolves, must be that love of dogs in me?? I always find that if I'm struggling with a sketch, I put it somewhere, where I will come across it sort of unexpected, or put it away and revisit a day or 2 later, and any faults usually jump out at me?? Or I ask someone and depending on their skill and understanding of what you want to achieve, it can be helpful?? :)
