a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Not The Best Timing

Not the best timing, that's for sure. It actually happened a few days ago and it certainly is a set back. Both the radius and ulna were fractured and had to be set two different times. That was a lot of fun!

I am left handed so...more fun.

Any way I have lots of exercises to do to strengthen the muscles in my arm and hand so that in six weeks I will be able to get back to work immediately.


  1. Oh dear, that looks like it is painful, I hope you manage OK, take it steady, and give yourself time, there will be things you can do. :) Keep looking up

    1. thank you, Julie.
      It does hurt, but it is improving bit by bit.
      And I am finding simple things to do.
      Carrying Roxy upstairs has bee a new adventure for both of us (haha)
