a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Our Stay in Hastings, Ontario

The Door Guest House, kitchen
At the end of the day during the Warkworth show, we stayed in The Door Guest House in Hastings, a 10 minute drive away. It is a lovely apartment with a beautiful garden and most importantly, dog-friendly. But not only that, it was quiet and private, a lovely peaceful place.

The Door Guest House garden
The Door Guest House, garden detail

The girls and I had early morning walks as we always do. Hastings is reminiscent of small town Ontario during the 1960's.

Come walk with us.

looking west towards the centre of town
looking east from the same location

There are lilacs throughout this area of Ontario. Almost every property has at least one if not several. In fact, Warkworth hosts the Lilac Festival. 

look closely and you will see the girls looking at the river

Our walk circled first away from the centre of town  and brought us around to the beginning from a different direction.


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