a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Monday, February 22, 2016

A Very Odd Winter

Last week we had a dump of snow that had me shoveling a few times out back and front and along the sides of our place. Out back entails the back laneway as well only because of the way we are perpendicularly situated. It is a shared private laneway, there is no plowing by the city. So when everyone who uses it drives by, the ruts created inhibit our vehicle from making the turns in and out. So it has to be cleared. The girls have a chance to "explore" while I'm working away.

Last autumn my neighbours cut down the trees that I used to love looking at through the studio window, leaving only one. They will be building back there come spring. It would have been good to cut down the Wisteria while they were at it, for it has grown into a gnarly monster strangling everything within it's reach, including those trees.

The snow has since been washed away by rain. A very odd winter it has been.

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