a journal of original drawings and screen prints of animals


Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Drizzly Day

This is the back corner of our property where Art's studio sits. It is a favourite of mine because of the colours. The Peking coton easter, especially in the autumn is just gorgeous with scarlet and gold leaves against the blue.

Art made the terra cotta head years ago and it has spent many winters outside with only the slightest signs of aging.

The day is drizzly, the kind where the plants seem to explode in growth  overnight.

Like the plants and trees, there are a lot of things here in the studio, bubbling under the surface, so-to-speak. It feels like the calm before the storm.

April has gone by so quickly, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. Just love Art's work! He is very talented. He has such an eye for detail and sizes.
